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Our Story

At TapRoots Hydroponics, we believe in thinking outside of the box. We believe in deviating from the norm and seeking innovation. We think outside of the box by sourcing unique and exceptionally designed products, which are simple to use, multi-purpose, and safe. We just happen to supply world class Hydroponics Systems.

TapRoots Hydroponics was created out of the desire to help. To help families and communities provide for loved ones, and to slow down and embrace what matters. To get back to growing, back to the home, and back to watching the morning sunrise while enjoying a cup of coffee. Family, innovation, hard work and creativity are our driving forces. They dictate everything we do. Which is likely the reason you're here today. To learn about our world-class Hydroponics Systems, provided by our Gold Level Suppliers. Behind our family-led values, and extraordinary commitment to our customers, we provide top of the line hydroponic goods for our valued customers. 

Keep creating. Keep growing. And keep making space for what really matters.

Yours in growin'!

The TapRoots Team